Everything You Need to Know About Foot Procedures

Your feet are an integral part of your body that is often neglected until you start experiencing problems. Suffering from foot problems can cause excruciating pain and hinder your ability to move freely, greatly impacting your overall quality of life. Thankfully, there are various foot procedures available to treat different foot conditions.

1. Bunion surgery: A bunion is an outward protuberance that develops on the joint at the base of the big toe, presenting itself as a bony bump. It can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. Bunion surgery is usually recommended when the pain is severe and non-surgical treatment options have failed. The orthopedic surgeon performs a surgical procedure to remove the bony bump and, if required, realign the toe. This intervention aims to improve the overall structure, maintain functionality, and enhance aesthetic appearance. The procedure typically lasts approximately an hour while the patient is comfortably put under general anesthesia. Recovery time can take a few weeks, and patients may require physical therapy.

2. Hammertoe surgery: Hammertoes occur when the toes are bent downward instead of pointing forward, causing pain and discomfort. Hammertoe surgery is usually performed when other non-surgical options have failed. During the surgery, the surgeon straightens the toe and may remove a small piece of bone to realign the toe.

3. Plantar fasciitis release: The plantar fascia is a dense tissue band that spans across the underside of the foot. Plant fasciitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the fascia, leading to intense heel pain. Plantar fasciitis release surgery involves cutting part of the fascia to relieve tension and reduce pain. The procedure usually takes less than an hour, and recovery time varies but can be a couple of months.

4. Ankle ligament repair: Ankle sprains are common and can result in unstable ankles. Ankle ligament repair surgery is a procedure that can support the ankle joint and reduce instability. During the surgery, the orthopedic surgeon repairs or reconstructs torn ligaments. Recovery time can take months, and physical therapy may be required.

5. Neuroma excision: A neuroma refers to a non-cancerous nerve tissue growth that often leads to discomfort in the forefoot area. Neuroma excision surgery involves removing the affected nerve tissue.

If you are experiencing foot pain, consulting an orthopedic surgeon can provide you with appropriate treatment options. The above foot procedures are some of the most common surgical options available, but there are other non-surgical treatments for foot conditions. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the procedures, along with their associated risks and benefits, is crucial for making a well-informed decision. By providing appropriate care and treatment, individuals can effectively manage foot conditions, thereby preserving their mobility and enhancing their overall quality of life.
