Understanding Gestational Diabetes And How It Can Be Controlled

If you are pregnant, then it is vital that you meet with your obstetrician regularly for checkups to make sure that you and your baby are as healthy as possible. During the first trimester, you can expect some blood tests to be conducted. The initial tests check for antibodies for diseases like rubella, and they also assess whether you have a serious illness like hepatitis B. Tests are also used to check your blood counts and your blood type. Read More 

Treatment Options For Managing Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a common underlying cause for heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and infertility concerns. Once the diagnosis is made, the next concern is controlling or eliminating the problem. There are several treatment strategies to help minimize problems associated with fibroids. Hormone-Based Treatments The least-invasive option for managing uterine fibroids is hormonal birth control methods. This usually involves progestin-only pills, shots, or an intrauterine device. Not only can hormonal birth control help shrink fibroids, but it can also alleviate some of the problems associated with uterine fibroids, such as heavy and painful periods. Read More 

5 Tips For Caring For A Parent With Alzheimer’s

Learning that one of your parents has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's can be emotionally devastating. You are not only worried about your parent's health and happiness, but also about the impact this condition will have on your relationship. With more than five million people in the U.S. facing Alzheimer's, you and your family are not alone, and there are resources available for you. Here are five effective ways to navigate this difficult time: Read More 

4 Possible Reasons For Your Foot And Ankle Pain

Pain involving both the foot and the ankle can be a double dose of misery, especially if you lead an active life or work a job that requires constant standing and walking. The underlying causes of this discomfort can range of from age-related chronic conditions to acute injuries. Here are four possible foot and ankle issues commonly seen by podiatrists. 1. Arthritis Arthritis is a variety of inflammation that causes pain, swelling, and deterioration of cartilage in joints. Read More 

4 Things Athletes Need To Know About Os Trigonum Syndrome

There are many different things that can lead to pain in your ankle joint. One lesser-known cause of this pain is os trigonum syndrome. Here some things you need to know about os trigonum syndrome. What causes os trigonum syndrome? The os trigonum is an accessory bone in the foot. Accessory bones are extra, unnecessary bones that some people have and some people don't. The os trigonum sndrowm is quite common as accessory bones go; experts report that as many as half of all people have this extra bone. Read More