Acupuncture Can Help You With Pregnancy Discomfort

Acupuncture may seem like an extreme alternative treatment for pregnancy troubles, but it can actually be very effective for many women who struggle with the effects of pregnancy. Acupuncture is used to treat all sorts of different ailments using thin needles to access specific nerve and pressure points in the body. For pregnant women, acupuncture can be especially effective for relieving these common forms of discomfort: 1. Morning Sickness Many women struggle with nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy, and some will continue to struggle even after they pass into the second and third trimesters. Read More 

Five Ways To Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms Without Prescription Drugs

If you suffer from the joint stiffness, pain and inflammation that is characteristic of arthritis, you are probably looking for ways to alleviate your discomfort. Although various rheumatology treatments are available such as anti-inflammatory medications and pain relieving drugs, many are known to cause side effects in some individuals. Fortunately, there are ways to treat your symptoms naturally without the use of prescription drugs, and this may include diet and exercise, the use of dietary and herbal supplements, physical therapy or massage therapy. Read More 

Does Your Child Have Celiac Disease & Need Orthodontic Treatment? Here’s What You Need To Know

Oh, the joys of adolescence... when everything seems to cost an arm and a leg, especially when it comes to dental care and orthodontics. The joys are compounded when a child is diagnosed with celiac disease, which means parents have to keep their child safe from gluten. Unfortunately, gluten can be found in more than just food items, and is often found in dental hygiene products and orthodontic devices, such as retainers. Read More 

Retinopathy And Premature Babies: Advice For Parents

Almost four million new babies are born in the United States every year. Around 28,000 newborns weigh less than 2.75 pounds, making them more susceptible to certain health complications. Many of these premature babies suffer from an eye disorder called retinopathy of prematurity or ROP. Find out why this condition occurs, and learn more about the implications this can have for your newborn baby. How retinopathy of prematurity occurs ROP occurs when there is a problem with the blood vessels on the surface of a child's retina. Read More 

How Does Swimming Help Relieve Pain From Lumbar Stenosis?

If you have lumbar stenosis, you already know that it can cause considerable pain in the lower back and legs. You probably also know that doctors recommend exercise to relieve the symptoms. You may be wondering how you can exercise regularly when simply moving causes excruciating pain to radiate through the lower back and legs.  Swimming may be an answer for you. Why is Swimming Good for Lumbar Stenosis? Swimming is a low-impact aerobic exercise known to bring relief from lower back and leg pain from lumbar stenosis. Read More