Managing Costochondritis: How To Reduce Chronic Pain

Costochondritis: if you never heard about this condition until you were diagnosed with it, you're not alone. Costochondritis, which can cause severe chest pain, is not necessarily a household word; however, it accounts for 13-36% of chest pain cases in adults. Also called chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome, and costosternal chondrodynia, episodes of this disorder may recur for the rest of your life. It's important to know how to manage it so that you can live life to the fullest. Read More 

4 Minimally Invasive Procedures Your Dermatologist Uses To Make You Look Younger

Everyone wants younger, fresher looking skin, but nobody likes the idea of invasive surgery. Luckily, more and more minimally or non-invasive procedures are becoming available to help fight wrinkles and firm skin. Check out these four ways your dermatologist can help make you look younger without putting you under the knife. Reduce Wrinkles and Add Contour with Derma Fillers Derma fillers are a less expensive, minimally invasive alternative to a surgical facelift. Read More 

Just Grow Up! When Kids Outgrow Food Allergies

If you have a child with food allergies, you probably have a lot of questions, like whether your child will outgrow the allergy. The answer, it seems, depends on the child and the nature of his allergy. While some food allergies do lessen or disappear with age, others continue for a lifetime. Allergy doctors aren't entirely sure why one child outgrows a food allergy and another does not, but there are some theories. Read More 

5 Things Your Obstetrician Wants You To Know For A Healthy Pregnancy

Whether you are currently expecting or just trying to get pregnant, your OB/GYN is going to be an important part of your life. You'll likely receive lots of advice from many different people on how to have a healthy pregnancy, but none you'll receive is more important than that from your obstetrician. Here are five things your obstetrician wants you to know for a healthy pregnancy. The best pregnancy care begins before you are pregnant Read More 

3 Things To Know About Breastfeeding Your First Child

One of the issues your midwife from a site like will discuss with you during your first pregnancy is your options with feeding the baby. You can feed the baby formula, or you can breastfeed. Breastfeeding can be a tricky task for many women, but it is also a great way to feed a child. If you decide to breastfeed, here are three things you need to know. Things You Must Buy Read More