Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Treatments, and Cautions

Erectile dysfunction is something that can strike men of any age and for just about any reason. It can be caused by an unknown heart condition, diabetes, a number of other health issues, or it might just be a temporary condition brought on by stress, fatigue, or nerves. When do you need to see a doctor about the condition, and when do you just wait it out and try to be patient with yourself? Read More 

Tips For Keeping Your Lower Spine Healthy After An Adjustment

If you have recently thrown out your lower back, then a chiropractic assessment and alignment can help to force your spinal vertebra back into position. After the adjustment, you want to keep your spine healthy. There are a number of ways to do this when it comes to the lower back. Keep reading to learn about a few options. Avoid The Heels The shoes that you choose to wear can have an astounding effect on the stress placed on your vertebrae. Read More 

2 Bad Habits That Are Making Your Back Pain Worse

If you suffer from back pain, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to help relieve the pressure, tight muscles, and frequent muscle spasms. If so, you may want to take a look at your habits, as there are a couple of bad ones that could be making your back pain worse. Sitting on Your Wallet or Carrying a Heavy Purse If you are a man, you may be in the habit of keeping your wallet in your back pocket. Read More 

Should You Seek Detox For Antidepressants?

For many, antidepressants can provide a much-needed path out of chronic depression, extreme anxiety, and other mental health disorders that are often caused by an imbalance in the brain's natural chemistry. For some, antidepressants can even curb addictive behaviors like binge eating and drug consumption.  But while antidepressants have served as a beacon of hope for many, for others, their negative side effects far exceed their positive impact, leading users to go cold turkey or wean themselves off these medications in an attempt to minimize these side effects. Read More 

Five Things You Can Do To Protect Your Child From Health Issues Caused By Lead Exposure In Your Home

Lead exposure is a severely dangerous health threat that you need to protect your child from. Lead poisoning can cause pediatric health issues including developmental delays, nervous system dysfunction, and kidney damage. If you're living in an older home, your children may be particularly susceptible to the health consequences of lead exposure.  Fortunately, you can protect you children from lead exposure even if you're living in an older home with the following five helpful tips: Read More