Which Is Better For Urgent After-Hours Dental Needs – Urgent Care Or An Emergency Dentist?

When you have a problem with your mouth outside of your dentist's regular hours, you normally might think of calling and leaving a message with the dentist's answering service. However, if the problem appears to be urgent to the point where you really need to see someone but don't think an emergency room is appropriate, you may want to look at your local urgent care center. Going there wouldn't be right for some dental issues, but other problems could get the attention they need right away. Read More 

Tips For Reducing Bloating And Indigestion As You Age

Remember when you were a teenager and you could eat as much pepperoni pizza and soda as you wanted and yet never get indigestion or feel bloated? Those were the days! Sadly, as people age, they tend to have more digestive issues and both bloating and indigestion are at the top of the list. Not only do these things make you feel uncomfortable, but they can greatly interfere with your day-to-day life if you don't take steps to control them. Read More 

Four Ways That Stem Cells Are A Medical Revolution

If you've heard about stem cells in the news, then you may be wondering exactly what they are and how they can be meaningful to your health. Stem cells are a special type of cell that can divide both to replicate themselves and to transform into other types of cells. In this way, they can act as factories to produce the cells that your body uses for a huge variety of different purposes. Read More 

What to Expect When You Visit a Hair Loss Clinic

Are you experiencing hair loss? Perhaps you are ready to visit a hair loss clinic to try hair restoration therapy. If this is the case, then you probably have a whole lot of questions about what to expect. Fortunately, there are answers to your most pressing questions. Here is a look at what you can expect. Learning About You It may surprise you how many questions your restoration therapist will have for you. Read More 

Are You A Runner With A Plantar Wart? Talk To A Foot Doctor Right Away

Track runners need strong feet that are free from any difficulties in order to win at their preferred sport. However, plantar warts may make this success much harder. Thankfully, high-quality foot doctors can help to minimize the impact of this issue on their competition. Plantar Wart Can Occur At Any Time Plantar warts are not, technically, like other types of warts. They are an infestation of a different kind that typically occurs on the foot. Read More