How Does Swimming Help Relieve Pain From Lumbar Stenosis?

If you have lumbar stenosis, you already know that it can cause considerable pain in the lower back and legs. You probably also know that doctors recommend exercise to relieve the symptoms. You may be wondering how you can exercise regularly when simply moving causes excruciating pain to radiate through the lower back and legs.  Swimming may be an answer for you. Why is Swimming Good for Lumbar Stenosis? Swimming is a low-impact aerobic exercise known to bring relief from lower back and leg pain from lumbar stenosis. Read More 

Premature Tooth Loss From Osteoporosis? Dental Implants Offer Best Life Satisfaction

You have probably heard the medical warnings about women's risk for osteoporosis, a condition common to women over 40 in which bones become brittle and prone to breaking. You may not know that this disease can also affect the bone density of your jaw, putting you at risk for premature tooth loss. You may also not be aware that men can develop osteoporosis too! If you suffer tooth loss because of osteoporosis, a recent study suggests that dental implants offer the most overall satisfaction for people with this condition. Read More 

How To Keep Your Teeth Pretty After Having Them Whitened

It's no secret that having your teeth professionally whitened by a qualified dentist can take years off of your look, give you a confidence boost, and make your smile look fantastic in pictures. What you may not know is that the staining that caused your teeth to need a whitening procedure in the first place is a constant, ongoing process. If you want to keep your fabulous whitening results for longer, follow these simple rules. Read More 

Go To An Independent Installation Company For A Stair Lift That Meets Your And Your Spouse’s Needs

Many people need a stair lift as they grow older and are no longer able to navigate steps. For elderly couples, finding a lift that meets each persons' needs can be challenging. If both you and your spouse struggle to climb up and down the stairs in your home, a local stair lift installation company that works with multiple manufacturers is most likely to have a model that can accommodate both you and your spouse's needs. Read More 

Contact Lens Costs Breaking You? 3 Tips To Preserve Your Vision Without Going Into Debt

While most people without perfect vision get used to having to wear contact lenses, few people get used to having to spend a fortune on contacts and products to care for them. Even if you have vision insurance, you may have to pay upfront for your exams and lenses and wait for what seems like forever for your vision insurance company to reimburse you. Insurance companies also do not pay for costly contact solutions, which are extremely pricey today. Read More