Winning At Weight Loss: How To Find A Weight-Loss Program That Will Get You Across The Finish Line

If you need to lose weight but feel intimidated by the amount of weight-loss programs available, you're not alone. The challenge of finding the right program can be enough to make you feel like quitting before you get started. Friends may be passionate about a certain program, and coworkers may encourage you to try something else. How do you know what program will work best for you? Are you a public or a private person? Read More 

Regaining Fitness After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body changes. Most women experience a decrease in physical activity and increase in weight gain. After recovery, you might be excited to get back into an active lifestyle, but for some people, the road back can be long and hard. Some women have to start from square one with their fitness goals. If you are trying to regain fitness after pregnancy, follow these tips to get started.  Read More 

Why Massages Really Make You Feel Good

You probably already know that a massage can be overwhelmingly relaxing. A single massage session can relieve tension, improve pain, and promote overall health and well-being. Until recently though, medical experts didn't really understand why massage therapy really helps improve your mood and helps you relax. Many massage clients report having a feeling of euphoria or "brain tingles" while getting a massage. There's a medical reason behind this. What the Research Reports  Read More 

Natural Ways To Ease Cold Symptoms With Toddlers

If you have a toddler child, you should expect him or her to get approximately 8 to 10 colds each year. When a toddler has a cold, he or she can get crabby and irritable, and there is not a lot you can do as a parent to ease these symptoms in terms of medicine. Colds must run their courses, but there are some natural ways you could use that may ease the symptoms a little bit. Read More 

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

If you are sick and tired of shaving on a regular basis and even more tired of the thick stubbles that show up if you miss a day, then you may want to learn all about laser hair removal. There are a lot of great benefits that come with using laser hair removal as your preferred option for removing that hair. Her are just a few of the great benefits you can enjoy should you decide to go this route: Read More