4 Signs Your Mole May Turn Into Cancer

Moles on your skin are normal most of the time. But there are some situations when you should watch your moles and have them checked out by a dermatologist before they grow into cancer. Here are four situations where a mole can put you at risk of developing skin cancer, or melanoma, and what you can do to prevent it. You Were Born with a Mole The average person has 10 to 40 moles on their body by the time they are at the age of 30. Read More 

Microdermabrasion Vs. A Chemical Peel: Which Is Best For You?

Are you considering getting an aesthetic procedure for your face? Most of us want to look younger, fresher, and more luminous at some point. If you're considering a medical aesthetics procedure, two of the most widely used are microdermabrasion and chemical peels. They have both been around for a long time, and are proven to be effective at rejuvenating your skin and making it visibly and noticeably look smoother, younger, and just plain better, with nearly immediate results. Read More 

Natural Treatments For Migraines

If you suffer from persistent migraines, it's likely that you've tried a number of over-the-counter medications to alleviate your condition. However, the sad truth is that most of these medications are ineffective, acting to disguise the pain rather than treat it. You may be surprised to hear that there are actually some very effective natural treatments that aim to reduce your dependency on medication and restore your body to its natural healing state. Read More 

Shunts And Stents: The Latest In Surgical Techniques For The Treatment Of Glaucoma

Glaucoma afflicts more than three million Americans and has made an enormous health and financial impact upon the nation; annually, thousands lose their sight to glaucoma, and the economic cost in terms of medical care, lost wages and other negative impacts is in the billions of dollars. Fortunately, glaucoma is treatable with both medications and surgery, with the most recent promising treatment options coming in the operating room. Two relatively recent surgical options, shunt and stent implantation, offer glaucoma patients less invasive opportunities to gain long-term control of their condition. Read More 

Comfort Tips For Your CPAP Machine

If you have sleep apnea, then you stop breathing many times in the middle of the night while you are trying to sleep. This can cause major disruptions in your sleep cycle, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is often utilized to keep oxygen flowing through the body. This type of therapy is administered with a CPAP machine that is used every night. Some people have difficulties feeling comfortable using the machines though. Read More